Doctor Who Workout

Doctor Who workout! Make up workouts to go with your favorite tv shows. Love it!

This week’s workout is for a nerd classic, Doctor Who.

This workout doesn’t specify which doctor it is for. For this workout, I watched Season 4 (post-reboot) Episode 4, with the Tenth Doctor (also, coincidentally, my favorite doctor). Unfortunately, I only had time for one episode this time. This can skew the results a little since every episode is different. Even just watching one doctor might skew this workout, since every doctor’s personality is a bit different.

This workout wasn’t as intense as I expected it to be. I definitely worked out my abs the most and I used almost all of the moves once, but there wasn’t enough occurances to really make the low reps of each workout that effective. I threw in some wall sits to get a leg workout even though the doctor really didn’t get mad. All in all, this workout could use some improvements. I’m sure there are better doctor who workout plans out there. This one was just a bit disappointing.

Cardio – 1/10

Strength – 4/10

Frequency – 4/10

Overall – Though I did get some ab exercises out of this, this was too low intensity to do much of anything. Would not recommend.

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